Jesse J. Esch, Diego Porras, Lisa Bergersen, Kathy J. Jenkins, Audrey C. Marshall
Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
United States
Pediatric Cardiology
Pediatr Cardiol 2015; 36: 1357-1362
DOI: 10.1007/s00246-015-1165-x
Pulmonary vein stenosis (PVS) carries significant morbidity and mortality for affected children, and its management often requires multiple angioplasty procedures. PVS angioplasty can be complicated by systemic embolic events such as stroke, but incidence and risk factors are poorly understood. We reviewed pediatric catheterizations involving PVS angioplasty and/or stent placement performed at Boston Children’s Hospital between July 2005 and February 2014. A total of 406 cases were performed in 144 distinct patients. Patients underwent a median of two catheterizations, at median age 1 year and weight 6.9 kg. Eleven (2.7 %) catheterizations were complicated by clinically apparent systemic embolic events, comprising 10 strokes (one with associated hepatic embolism) and 1 renal infarct. Prevalence of clinically evident stroke among this cohort was 7.6 %. Using a prior (uncomplicated) catheterization to allow each patient to serve as their own control, we sought to identify potentially modifiable risk factors for systemic embolic events. Although this analysis was limited by low power, complicated and uncomplicated angioplasties did not appear to differ in case time, contrast dose, anticoagulation management, use of cutting balloons, number of catheter exchanges, or size of long sheath used. Significant non-embolic adverse events were common, occurring in 25 % of catheterizations. Systemic embolism appears to complicate PVS angioplasty at a rate much higher than that described for other congenital catheterizations. This risk may be inherent to the procedure rather than related to any modifiable or operator-dependent factors.
Stenosis or Obstruction of Normal Pulmonary Venous Connections
Stenosis or Obstruction of Pulmonary Veins Following Surgical Repair of Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connections
Catheter-mediated Interventions: Adverse Effects or Lack of Adverse Effects
Year of Publication: 2015
Age Focus: Pediatric
Article Type: Retrospective Observational Cohort Studies (>10 patients)
Article Access: Free PDF File or Full Text Article Available Through PubMed or DOI: No