Shortening of Palmaz Genesis XD stents by longitudinal compression in pediatric patients with pulmonary vein stenosis: Bench-testing and case series

Melissa K. Webb, Henri Justino

Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital.
United States

Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions
Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2022; 99: 116-120
DOI: 10.1002/ccd.29984

The Palmaz Genesis XD stents (Cordis®, Cardinal Health, Dublin, OH) are an ideal option for stenting vessels in pediatric patients due to their ability to be re-dilated to large diameters to accompany children’s somatic growth. Unfortunately, their length limits their utility for pulmonary vein stenting in small children, due to the risk of protrusion into the left atrium or into distal pulmonary vein branches. We describe a stent shortening technique by longitudinally compressing them prior to deployment, which may enhance their applicability in pediatric pulmonary vein stenosis.

Catheter-mediated Interventions: Efficacy or Lack of Efficacy

Year of Publication: 2022

Age Focus: Pediatric

Article Type: Case Reports or Retrospective Observations in Small Groups of Patients (≤10 patients)

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